The Founders of The EAST Institute, Lena Franklin & Jeff Glattstein have created a global organization focused on bringing healing and transformation to our planet. We’re here in an urgent time when our Earth is suffering from massive energetic imbalances. The collective human psyche, wrought with mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety and trauma, is a representation of our planetary disease of fear-based functioning and, collectively, we need a drastic change. Lena & Jeff have studied with and been initiated into many shamanic lineages around the world in South America, Central America, North America and Asia. Their calling is to bring forth these ancient traditions and medicine wisdom of their teachers and families into the modern world, creating harmony and health by facilitating ceremonial plant medicines treatment with a highly curated and structured methodology called The EAST Method ™. During this keynote, you’ll learn about the state of psychedelics in our world and why it’s essential that the ancient indigenous ways be brought to the forefront as an ethical, integral way to approach life, holistically. We’re here to live and thrive together ~ the sacred plant medicines are waking us up to remember who we are and why we’re here. It’s time we listen and do the work. Come learn where natural, traditional medicine meets modern science.