Before you come to Wonderland, make sure to...
Book Your Hotel
Download the Mobile App
Allocate Your Tickets
Fill Out Your Profile
Check Out Miami Psychedelic Week Events
Scan the Attendee List
Create Your Event Schedule
Pick Up Your Badge (Early)
Have Fun!
Last but not least, don’t forget to enjoy yourself! Take time to learn, meet new friends, and try new things.
Travel Options
Getting to the Wonderland conference has never been more convenient, with a range of travel options designed to suit your needs. Choose the option that best fits your preferences and join us in the adventure.

Street parking is available a few blocks from the venue.
Metro Mover Transit
Miami offers free transit via their Metro Mover Rail Station, and Ice Palace Studios is just a block away from the nearest rail station.
Uber & Lyft
Ubers, Lyfts, and taxis are all readily accessible in Miami at nearly all hours of the day.
When You Reach the Venue...
When you arrive at Wonderland, our team will be around to help you.
Find a Volunteer
Our team of volunteers will be happy to help you with whatever you need. Watch out for crew members wearing a Wonderland shirt.
Visit the Info Desk
You’ll find the Information Desk in the Registration Area. There you will find helpful resources and volunteers to help point you in the right direction.
Pick Up Your Badge
Don’t forget to pick up your badge, and keep it around your neck at all times. You’ll need to show it at the entry points for different venue areas.
Help Us Create a Sustainable Event
At Wonderland, we’re committed to creating a sustainable event by implementing eco-friendly practices, promoting responsible resource consumption, and encouraging attendees to engage in environmentally conscious behaviors throughout the conference.
Recycle and Dispose of Waste
Utilize recycling bins and waste disposal stations provided throughout the venue. By properly sorting and disposing of your waste, you’ll help ensure that recyclable materials are processed correctly, reducing the waste sent to landfills and contributing to a more sustainable event.
Car Pool or Use Public Transit
Choose eco-friendly transportation options such as public transit or carpooling with fellow attendees. By sharing rides or using mass transit, you’ll reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a greener event.
Don't Need, Don't Take
We have paper resources, but if you can use digital resources, we ask that you please consider sticking to your phone, so that we can recycle any leftover resources after the event.
Bring Reusable Items
Help reduce waste by bringing your own reusable water bottle, coffee cup, and utensils. By using these items instead of disposable alternatives, you’ll contribute to minimizing the environmental impact of the event.
Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct prioritizes respect, consideration, and adherence to ethical standards, with zero tolerance for actions that undermine these values, whether in person, online, or through our mobile app.

Pre-Register for the Next Wonderland
Wonderland will be back momentarily! Subscribe to our email newsletter to be the first to hear official dates and exclusive launch sale prices (only available for a limited time).
Get Tickets Now
Seize the opportunity to be part of the Wonderland experience by registering for tickets today. Secure your spot among fellow visionaries and pioneers as we explore the enchanting potential of psychedelic therapies, mental health, and longevity.